Polymem Sp. z o.o.
Company develops and produces polyprophylene membrans for microfiltration
Company offers special polyprophylene membrans, designs and produces systems for micro- ultra- and nanofiltration. Polymem’s product may be used in various branches: food industry, petrochemical etc. Polymem products are based on technologies from prof. Jerzy Bałdyga representing Chemical and Process Engineering Faculty of Warsaw Technical University.
8 lipiec 2011
Business Angel Seedfund invests in SmartNet Research&Solutions and the Fanpage Trender project
Business Angel Seedfund invests in SmartNet Research&Solutions and their newest project Fanpage Trender – analytical tool for Facebook marketing.read more
20 kwiecień 2011
SiGarden at the OGTF in Amsterdam
SiGarden was represented at the 2nd International Oil and Gas Technology Forum (OGTF) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.read more