About us
Business Angel Seedfund (BAS) is a first seed capital investment fund established by business angels in Poland. BAS is not established by financial institution, but enterpreneurs which succeed establishing their own businesses from the beginning. Founders of BAS are Maciej Grabski (co-founder of Wirtualna Polska), Jędrzej Wittchen (Wittchen S.A.), Maciej Duda (PKM DUDA) and Jacek Kawalec (co-founder of Wirtualna Polska). Together with the Board, regular, twice a month, they analyze business plans and decide about future investments.
Business Angel Seedfund was established in 2007 r. We cooperate e.g. with Pomorski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny, Lewiatan Business Angels, Oxford Innovation (OXIN) and Oxford Investment Opportunity Network (OION). We are also supported by Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development) as one of the seed capital funds (SPO W.K.P 1.2.3.). Till now we invested e.g. in Screen Network - system of multimedia advertising in sales points (POS TV), Polymem – company producing poliprophylen membrans established by scientists from Chemical and Processing Faculty of Warsaw Technical University and Hub30 – new, consumers’ e-commerce service and Centrum Podrozy SA.

Board members
Information about Business Angel Seedfund’ Board-members and members of Investment BoardSupervisory Board
Supervisory Board membersContact
Business Angel Seedfund Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.
Office in Gdansk:
ul. Trzy Lipy 3
80-172 Gdańsk
Tel: 058 739 61 00
Fax: 058 739 61 10
Office in Warsaw:
ul. Nowogrodzka 50 lok. 450
00-695 Warszawa
Tel: (+48 22) 821 97 70
Fax: (+48 22) 821 97 71
e-mail: biuro@seedfund.pl
It is best to send us a business plan using e-mail. Write to us: inwestycje@seedfund.pl